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How to disable the related videos that display when a YouTube video ends

Bothered by some of the videos that appear after a video runs on your website?

As video blogs have become more popular, we've got this question more frequently - “When I embed YouTube videos YouTube will display “Related Videos” at the end. How can I disable that?"

The fix for disabling the YouTube “Related Videos” is actually pretty easy.

  1. Click on the "Share" tab on the YouTube page with the video you want to post on your site.
  2. Select/highlight the link that YouTube gives you and copy it.  Usually it looks something like this:
  3. Before pasting it into your website video display tool, add ?rel=0 to the end of the url.  Done right using the example above your link should look like this:

That's it!  Got another idea or a better way to do it?  We'd love to hear it.  Please let us know in the comments below.

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